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 Minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma: defining the role of next generation sequencing and fl

Minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma: defining the role of next generation sequencing and flow cytometry in routine diagnostic use
【作者】Kylee H Maclachlan 1, Neil Came 2, Benjamin Diamond 3, Mikhail Roshal 4, Caleb Ho 4, Katie Thoren 4, Marius E Mayerhoefer 5, Ola Landgren 6, Simon Harrison 7
【文章标题】Minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma: defining the role of next generation sequencing and flow cytometry in routine diagnostic use
. 2021 Mar 3;S0031-3025(21)00056-8. doi: 10.1016/j.pathol.2021.02.003

