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UID: 81490
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注册时间: 2009-12-10
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楼主  发表于: 2018-08-21 08:53


论文标题:In-orbit operation of an atomic clock based on laser-cooled 87Rb atoms

    期刊:Nature Communications

    作者:Liang Liu, De-Sheng L, Wei-Biao Chen et al

    发表时间: 2018/07/24





    《自然-通讯》论文In-orbit operation of an atomic clock based on laser-cooled 87Rb atoms介绍了一种能够在太空运行的冷原子钟。研究表明,冷原子可以用作稳定的在轨时钟,有望用于计量学以及测试一些基本的物理学原理。


    图1:太空冷原子钟的原理和结构。图源:Liu et al.




    图2:微波探测后的原子数振荡。图源:Liu et al.


    摘要:Atomic clocks based on laser-cooled atoms are widely used as primary frequency standards. Deploying such cold atom clocks (CACs) in space is foreseen to have many applications. Here we present tests of a CAC operating in space. In orbital microgravity, the atoms are cooled, trapped, launched, and finally detected after being interrogated by a microwave field using the Ramsey method. Perturbing influences from the orbital environment on the atoms such as varying magnetic fields and the passage of the spacecraft through Earths radiation belt are also controlled and mitigated. With appropriate parameters settings, closed-loop locking of the CAC is realized in orbit and an estimated short-term frequency stability close to 3.010131/2 has been attained. The demonstration of the long-term operation of cold atom clock in orbit opens possibility on the applications of space-based cold atom sensors.







