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楼主  发表于: 2017-02-13 09:15

 CRC+Water and Wastewater Treatment+300愚愚币+PDF+永久有效

【求助链接】: http://www.scifans.net/read.php?tid=1667246
【文件格式】: 散装PDF合并,含完整详细书签
【文件大小】: PDF9.58MB,压缩包10.4MB,解压后13.8MB
【存放位置】: 百度云网盘(永久有效)
【有效期限】: 2017年05月13日前有效
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此帖售价 300 愚愚币,已有 1 人购买

Front Matter
1 Introduction: Problems Facing Water and Wastewater Treatment Management
7 Chapter 1. Natural and Urban Water Cycles
21 Chapter 2. Water Regulations, Parameters, and Characteristics
43 Chapter 3. Water Purification: System Overview
49 Chapter 4. Sources, Intake, and Screening
71 Chapter 5. Coagulation and Flocculation
79 Chapter 6. Sedimentation
83 Chapter 7. Filtration
89 Chapter 8. Disinfection
103 Chapter 9. Distribution
115 Chapter 10. Wastewater Regulations, Parameters, and Characteristics
127 Chapter 11. Wastewater Sources and Types
133 Chapter 12. Basic Overview of Wastewater Treatment
139 Chapter 13. Collection Systems
159 Chapter 14. Preliminary Treatment
169 Chapter 15. Primary Sedimentation
175 Chapter 16. Biological Treatment
195 Chapter 17. Secondary Sedimentation
199 Chapter 18. Advanced Treatment
207 Chapter 19. Wastewater Disinfection
221 Chapter 20. Discharge Effluent
229 Chapter 21. Water Solids Management
233 Chapter 22. Water Solids Treatment and Disposal
243 Chapter 23. Wastewater Biosolids Management
249 Chapter 24. Wastewater Biosolids Treatment
269 Chapter 25. Wastewater Biosolids Disposal
289 Appendix A. Summary of Major Amendment Provisions for the 1996 SDWA Regulations
297 Glossary
级别: supporter
状态: 未签到 - [498天/498次]
UID: 122320
精华: 0
发帖: 1742
威望: 28 点
愚愚币: 540 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 16264(小时)
注册时间: 2013-12-22
最后登录: 2022-12-03
1楼  发表于: 2017-02-13 15:18

