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 GraphPad Prism v5.04 Retail

GraphPad Pri v5.04 Retail | 23.1 Mb

GraphPad Pri is a powerful combination of basic biostatistics, curve fitting and scientific graphing in one comprehensive program. More than 100,000 scientists in over 100 countries rely on Pri to yze, graph and present their scientific data. 
What makes Pri the program of choice for many of the world's leading universities, medical centers, research institutes and pharmaceutical companies? Pri certainly has all the capabilities you would expect from a top notch scientific graphics program, but what makes Pri truly unique is not what it does, but how it does it. Designed for the practical scientist, Pri does not expect you to be a statistician. It guides you through each ysis - giving you as much help as you need - and tracks and organizes your work like no other program available. You can concentrate on your data, not fight with your software.

Curve fitting
Nonlinear regression is an important tool in yzing data, but is often more difficult than it needs to be. No other program simplifies curve fitting like Pri. In fact, you can usually fit curves in a single step. Just select an equation from the extensive list of commonly used equations (or enter your own equation) and Pri does the rest automatically -- fits the curve, displays the results as a table, and draws the curve on the graph. Even better, Pri will automatically fit all related data sets at once. You don't have to repeat commands for each experimental condition. 

Don't be fooled by the simplicity. Pri also gives you many advanced fitting options - automatically interpolate unknown values from a standard curve (i.e., to yze RIA data), compare two equations with an F test or Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), and plot residuals. Pri also lets you fit curves to a family of data sets at once, sharing the best-fit value of selected parameters to find one best-fit value that applies to the entire family, rather than individual best-fit values for each data set. Read more about global curve fitting - an incredibly versatile, but underused ysis technique. 

The best way to learn nonlinear regression is to follow examples. The Pri 5 help system is a wonderful resource for learning about curve fitting. Our Guided Examples teach you how to think about nonlinear regression, as well as how to use Pri. All the examples use sample data built-in to the program, so you can easily work through the examples without any tedious data entry. Examples include fitting an enzyme kinetics curve, interpolating from a sigmoidal standard curve, global nonlinear regression and more.

Pri offers a more comprehensive set of tools to yze your data than any other scientific graphics package. While it won't replace a heavy-duty statistics program, Pri lets you easily perform basic statistical tests commonly used by laboratory and clinical researchers. Pri offers t tests, nonparametric comparisons, one- and two-way ANOVA, linear and nonlinear regression, ysis of contingency tables, and survival ysis. See a complete lists of available tests. 

Unlike other programs, Pri provides statistical help when you need it. Press "Learn" from any data ysis dialog and Pri's online documentation will explain the principles of the ysis to help you make appropriate choices. Once you've made your choices, Pri presents the results on organized, easy-to-follow tables. If you need help understanding the statistical terminology in the results table, Pri's unique ysis checklists take you to ysis explanations and help you check to make sure you chose an ysis appropriate for your experimental design.

The Pri documentation goes beyond anything you would expect. More than half of it is devoted to thorough explanations of basic statistics and nonlinear curve fitting, to teach you what you need to know to appropriately yze your data. 

The Pri 5 help system is a wonderful resource for learning about statistics. Our Guided Examples teach you how to think about statistics, as well as how to use Pri. All the examples use sample data built-in to the program, so you can easily work through the examples without any tedious data entry. There are more than a dozen examples ranging from a simple unpaired t test to repeated measures two-way ANOVA, survival ysis, contingency tables and more.

Available tests:

Statistical comparisons
  • Paired or unpaired t tests 
  • Mann-Whitney or Wilcoxon tests 
  • Ordinary or repeated measures one-way ANOVA with Tukey, Newman-Keuls, Dunnett or Bonferroni post tests, or the post-test for trend 
  • Kruskal-Wallis or Friedman nonparametric one-way ANOVA with Dunn's post test 
  • Fisher's exact test or the chi-square test. Calculate the relative risk and odds ratio with confidence intervals 
  • Two-way ANOVA, even with missing values with some post tests 
  • Repeated measures two-way ANOVA with some post tests 
  • Kaplan-Meier survival ysis. Compare curves with the log-rank test (including test for trend)

Column statistics
  • Calculate min, max, quartiles, mean, SD, SEM, CI, CV, Geometric mean with Confidence Intervals 
  • Specify desired level of confidence 
  • Frequency distributions (bin to histogram), including cumulative histograms. 
  • Kolgoromov-irnov normality test 
  • One sample t test or Wilcoxon test to compare the column mean (or median) with a theoretical value 
  • Skewness and Kurtosis

Linear regression and correlation
  • Calculate slope and intercept with confidence intervals 
  • Force the regression line through a specified point 
  • Fit to replicate Y values or mean Y 
  • Test for departure from linearity with a runs test 
  • Calculate and graph residuals
  • Compare slopes and intercepts of two or more regression lines 
  • Determine new points along the standard curve 
  • Pearson or Spearman (nonparametric) correlation 
  • Table of XY coordinates

Clinical (diagnostic) lab statistics
  • Bland-Altman plots 
  • Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves

Scientific graphing
Quickly create publication-quality graphs of your data and easily customize every detail. Pri makes a wide variety of 2D scientific graphs, giving you all the features you need - including automatic error bars, log axes, discontinuous axes, Greek letters and much more - to create the look you want. Use Pri's toolbar buttons to instantly send your completed graphs to Word or PowerPoint, or export graphs in a wide variety of formats including high-resolution tif and EPS (Pri 5 only), suitable for publication in any journal.

Once you've created several graphs, arrange them on a page in Pri's unique page layout section. Start with a built-in page layout template, or create your own arrangement using special tools for aligning axes, creating insets and resizing graphs. You can even include ysis results on the same page to summarize your entire experiment for presentations and publications. Pri layouts can be printed at up to 30" x 40", so you can organize and print your poster right from Pri.

Organizing experiments
Pri brings you a completely new approach in scientific graphing software. Designed by a scientist for scientists, Pri works the way you do. Pri understands the links between data and yses, and stores your related data, ysis results, graphs, layouts and notes in one efficient project file. Even your most complicated projects stay organized and easy to manage. Unlike other scientific graphics programs, Pri stores all your ysis results along with your data and graphs. And more importantly, Pri remembers exactly how you yzed your data, even if it required several steps. When you open a Pri file, you can retrace every step of every ysis. Read on to learn more about how Pri can save you valuable time and effort. 

Automatic error bars.
Protocols often require replicate measurements (i.e., triplicates). Most programs make it too difficult to calculate and plot error bars. Not Pri. Simply enter replicate values and Pri calculates and graphs error bars automatically. Choose from SD, SEM, 95% CI or range. With Pri there's no wading through a maze of unnecessary dialogs to make error bars. 

Simultaneous ysis of related data sets.
Experiments typically compare several experimental conditions. With other programs, you must go through many tedious steps to yze each data set - one at a time. Click one button and Pri yzes and graphs several experimental conditions at once. 

Efficient ysis of repeated experiments.
You rarely perform an experiment just once - you repeat it to verify results. With Pri you can yze a repeated experiment in one step. Just plug in the new data, and Pri handles all the graphing and ysis steps automatically. Every file you save can be a template for a repeated experiment. This powerful feature can save you hours of repetitive work. And, if you need to yze a large series of experiments, Pri's easy-to-use scripting language will automate importing the data files and exporting the results. It just doesn't get any easier. 

Effortless corrections.
Even the most careful scientist can make a data entry mistake. With other programs, a simple mistake can cost you hours of wasted time. Not with Pri. That's because Pri data tables are linked to yses, graphs and page layouts. When you fix a data entry mistake, your data are automatically reyzed and your graphs updated. 

An organized record of work.
Science requires rigorous record keeping. Your data files should help you document your work. 
Pri lets you enter unstructured notes and structured data (notebook number, experimenter, lot number, concentration, etc.) onto Info sheets. It's an ideal way to keep each part of your experiment organized and on target. Each info sheet can be linked to a particular data table or be general for the entire project. You can use info constants as constants in transforms, as constraints in nonlinear regression, and as graph titles and lege
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