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UID: 56068
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楼主  发表于: 2009-05-06 22:18

 Catalysis of Organic Reactions (Chemical Industries) by John R. Sowa Jr.

Catalysis of Organic Reactions (Chemical Industries) by John R. Sowa Jr.

Posted By : ggacae | Date : 24 Apr 2009 12:02 | Comments : 0

Catalysis of Organic Reactions (Chemical Industries) by John R. Sowa Jr.
Publisher: CRC Press | March 30, 2005 | IN: 0824727290 | Pages: 600 | PDF | 11.69 MB

This volume compiles 63 peer-reviewed scientific papers documenting the latest developments in the application of homogeneous, heterogeneous, and immobilized homogenous catalysts used in organic synthesis. Catalysis of Organic Reactions consists of primary research articles accompanied by experimental sections that emphasize chemical processes with actual and potential applications in industry. Each chapter represents current and outstanding research by recognized leaders in the field. Organized into five major symposia, topics include selective homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for the synthesis of fine chemical and pharmaceuticals, solid acid catalysis, selective oxidation, amination, chiral catalysis, combinatorial technologies, nanoparticles, environmentally friendly catalysis, and more. The collection also presents the award-winning research of Jean Lessard, concerning the scope and limitations of electrocatalytic hydrogenation of organic compounds at Raney Metal Electrodes, and Richard Larock, relating to palladium-catalyzed annulation and migration reactions. These proceedings are of interest to the chemical scientists and engineers whose special interest is to apply homogenous and heterogeneous catalysts in organic synthesis of pharmaceutical, fine, and commodity chemicals.
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