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 Curriculum Studies Handbook : The Next Moment+清晰pdf+115网盘

Title: Curriculum Studies Handbook : The Next Moment
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Author: Malewski, Erik
LC Call: LB2806.15 .C6965 2009
LCSH: Curriculum planning -- Philosophy.//Critical pedagogy.//Education -- Curricula -- Philosophy.//Postmoderni and education.
    Pub. Date: 24 July 2009
eBook IN: 0203877799
Print IN: 0415989485
Product ID: 446878
Language: English
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What comes after the reconceptualization of curriculum studies? What is the contribution of the next wave of curriculum scholars? Comprehensive and on the cutting edge, this Handbook speaks to these questions and extends the conversation on present and future directions in curriculum studies.
Table of Contents
Book Cover
1 Introduction: Proliferating Curriculum
Part I: Openness, Otherness, and the State of Things
2 Thirteen Theses on the Question of State in Curriculum Studies
3 Reading Histories: Curriculum Theory, Psychoysis, and Generational Violence
4 Toward Creative Solidarity in the “Next” Moment of Curriculum Work
5 “No Room in the Inn”?: The Question of Hospitality in the Post(Partum)1-Labors of Curriculum Studies
Part II: Reconfiguring the Canon
6 Remembering Carter Goodwin Woodson (1875–1950)
7 Eugenic Ideology and Historical Oosis
Part III: Technology, Nature, and the Body
8 Understanding Curriculum Studies in the Space of Technological Flow
9 The Posthuman Condition: A Complicated Conversation
Part IV: Embodiment, Relationality, and Public Pedagogy
10 (A) Troubling Curriculum: Public Pedagogies of Black Women Rappers
11 Sleeping with Cake and Other Touchable Encounters: Performing a Bodied Curriculum
12 Art Education Beyond Reconceptualization: Enacting Curriculum Through/With/By/For/Of/In/Beyond/As Visual Culture, Community, and Public Pedagogy
Part V: Place, Place-Making, and Schooling
13 Jesus Died for NASCAR Fans: The Significance of Rural Formations of Queerness to Curriculum Studies
14 Reconceiving Ecology: Diversity, Language, and Horizons of the Possible
15 Thinking Through Scale: Critical Geography and Curriculum Spaces
16 Complicating the Social and Cultural Aspects of Social Class: Toward a Conception of Social Class as Identity
Part VI: Cross-Cultural International Perspectives
17 The Unconscious of History?: Meeri and the Production of Scientific Objects for Curriculum Historical Research
18 Intimate Revolt and Third Possibilities: Cocreating a Creative Curriculum
19 Decolonizing Curriculum
20 Difficult Thoughts, Unspeakable Practices: A Tentative Position Toward , Policy, and Culture in Contemporary Curriculum Theory
Part VII: The Creativity of an Intellectual Curriculum
21 How the Politics of Domestication Contribute to the Self-Deintellectualization of Teachers
22 Edward Said and Jean-Paul Sartre: Critical Modes of Intellectual Life
Part VIII: Self, Subjectivity, and Subject Position
23 In Ellisonian Eyes, What is Curriculum Theory?
24 Critical Pedagogy and Despair: A Move toward Kierkegaard’s Passionate Inwardness
Part IX: An Unusual Epilogue: A Tripartite Reading on Next Moments in the Field
And They’ll Say That It’s a Movement
The Next Moment
The Unknown: A Way of Knowing in the Future of Curriculum Studies
About the Contributors
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  • 幸福在哪里,幸福就在不远的前方。
    级别: 小愚愚
    UID: 84050
    精华: 0
    发帖: 17
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    在线时间: 0(小时)
    注册时间: 2010-01-14
    最后登录: 2018-05-16
    1楼  发表于: 2016-09-13 22:47

