dream a day dream, drink a long drink, i have nothing but daring...
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UID: 71895
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楼主  发表于: 2009-07-14 21:50

 Radicals in Organic Synthesis, 2 Vol Set

Radicals in Organic Synthesis
By Philippe Renaud, Mukund P. Sibi

Product Description:

Over the past few years, radical chemistry has witnessed a rapid development, with the result, for example, that new methods for producing radicals now allow the targeted use of these reactive intermediate stages in organic synthesis. This two-volume work is an account of the progress being made.

The first volume covers basic methodologies for successfully carrying out radical reactions, complete with a detailed discussion of the effectiveness and versatility of the individual methods. Further, the first volume also treats the characteristics of radicals, where such information is necessary for the successful planning of synthesis.

The second volume concentrates on applications for radicals in synthesis. Of particular use to those working in research are the numerous comparisons to "classic" methods of synthesis, carefully collected from the editors' and authors' many years of experience in the field.

The vast amount of information contained in this work makes it an essential reference for every organic chemist working in industry and academia.

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