级别: 小愚愚
UID: 69782
精华: 0
发帖: 210
威望: -4892 点
愚愚币: -4850 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 139(小时)
注册时间: 2009-05-27
最后登录: 2010-03-14
楼主  发表于: 2009-07-08 23:19


1. 个人情况:Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Permaanent Domicile, Nationality, Martial Status, Children, Religion, Party Affiliation, Health, Height, Weight, Present Address, Permanent Address.
2. 职业意向:Objective/or: Position Wanted: A position as English Instructor, preferably handling students from the intermediate to the advanced levels
3.资历: QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, major in marketing.
4.经历(Job Experience):一般逆序写。
Job Experience
5/86-12/86 University of California Press, Berkeley, California
Editorial and Marketing Trainee
5/86-8/86 Wyatt and Duncan Interiors, Berkeley, California
Sales Clerk
5. 文化程度(Education):一般逆序写,可以包括主要课程。例如:
Master of Science with concentration in Electronics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from Sept.,1985 to June, 1987
Bechelor of Science
Beijing University, Department of Electrical Engineering, from Sept.,1981 to July, 1985
6.技术资历与特长(Technical Qualifications/ Special Skills)
7.著作及专利(Publications and Patents)
8.社会活动(Social Activity)
9.荣誉与奖励(Honours and Awards)
10.爱好及兴趣(Hobbies and Interests)

