级别: 院长

UID: 69801
精华: 1
发帖: 3205
威望: 30 点
愚愚币: 4391 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 6701(小时)
注册时间: 2009-05-28
最后登录: 2017-09-13
楼主  发表于: 2011-04-28 02:15

 Postdoctoral or visiting researcher- Ceramic support development

The University of Kentucky, Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) anticipates adding a postdoctoral or visiting researcher position in the CO2 capture and energy areas. The position will be involved in multidisciplinary studies related to ceramics development. A summary of the position is listed below:  

Postdoctoral Scholar or Visiting Scholar
The University of Kentucky, Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) is seeking to fill an immediate full-time postdoctoral or visiting scientist opening. The successful candidate will develop and guide research in the area of ceramic supports. Specific focus will be placed on the development of porous ceramic supports useful in the production of materials for separation applications as related to ongoing research efforts in post-combustion CO2 capture technologies.

The position requires a Ph.D. in materials science, membrane separation science, chemistry, chemical engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university. Prior experience in any field of inorganic membranes including porous ceramic micro-/ultra-filters, ceramic tube fabrication, or advanced inorganic membrane materials (e.g., tubular zeolite membrane, oxygen permeable tubular ceramic membrane) is highly desirable.
The ideal candidate should:
•        Possess experience with inorganic materials synthesis techniques and methods particularly in porous ceramics and zeolitic membranes.
•        Have hands-on experience in ceramics extrusion.
•        Understand various separation technologies practiced at the laboratory and commercial scale.
•        Have experience with process scale up and understand the necessary tools and techniques to accomplish.
•        Possess proficiency with experimental design and execution.
•        Be able to work both independently and as a member of a research team.
•        Have excellent oral and written communication skills and ability to present their work at scientific meetings and to peer-reviewed journals.

Successful candidates will be offered competitive salary and benefits based on their experience and accomplishments.  The University of Kentucky, Center for Applied Energy is located in Lexington, KY.  

The University of Kentucky is an Equal Opportunity University.

Interested individuals are encouraged to submit their resume and statement of research interests for preliminary review to: Qiying Jiang (qiying.jiang@uky.edu) and Joe Remias (remias@caer.uky.edu). Please include position for which you are applying in the subject line.

Once the position is officially open, the full job description will be listed on the University of Kentucky employment web page (http://www.uky.edu/HR/UKjobs/). At that time, the candidates must submit an application online.

CAER Website:  http://www.caer.uky.edu

Power Generation Research Group Website:  http://www.caer.uky.edu/powergen/home.shtml

University of Kentucky
Center for Applied Energy Research
2540 Research Park Drive
Lexington, KY  40511


