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UID: 107490
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发帖: 37
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在线时间: 647(小时)
注册时间: 2011-11-18
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楼主  发表于: 2012-07-11 14:23

 China morning round-up: Wen Jiabao calls for investment

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao has called for more investments to drive economic growth, newspapers report on Wednesday.

Mr Wen made the comment during a two-day meeting with economics experts and entrepreneurs, China Daily and People's Daily say.

He specifically encouraged private investments in railways, public utilities, energy, telecommunication, medical services and education, "to boost investors' confidence", Beijing Times and Beijing News report.

He said some "reasonable increase in investment" was more important than providing consumer incentives and diversifying exports, reports say.

Mr Wen's comment is published following the release of economic data over the past two days that fuelled growth worries among financial ysts.

An easing inflation rate and a widening trade surplus due to weak import are seen as signs that China is struggling to maintain its economic growth.

Newspapers including the People's Daily Overseas Edition also ran extensive reports on the formation of China's "Olympics army" as Beijing's line-up for London 2012 was revealed.

A total of 396 athletes, including 171 men and 225 women, would be competing in 23 events at the London Olympics, Shanghai Daily reports.

But after the 2008 victory with 51 gold medals as a host nation, there are fears that China may bring home less gold from the London games as many big names are missing from the contingent, China Daily says, reiterating recent speculation.

Shanghai Morning Post is more optimistic, saying that half of China's gold medals could come from the "new faces" in the national team.

The paper also expressed high hopes for fellow Shanghai citizen Liu Xiang, as he returns for the 100m hurdle event after a shocking pull out from the Beijing games.

Amid the reignited tension over the Senkaku islands - also known as Diaoyu islands in China, China Daily says foreign ministers of China and Japan will hold talks to discuss the dispute.

Meanwhile, Beijing lashed out at claims that the islands "fall within the scope" of the 1960 US-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

A senior official at the US state department said the islands "have been under the administrative control of the government of Japan since they were returned (by the US) as part of the reversion of Okinawa in 1972", according to a report from the Kyodo news agency.

Chinese foreign ministry spokean Liu Weimin expressed "grave concern and strong opposition" to the remarks, the Beijing Times and others report.

Hong Kong's Ming Pao Daily News and Sing Tao Daily reported on the live-fire naval drill in East China Sea by Chinese navy, as defence observers see it as a means to pressure Tokyo.

A front-page commentary in the People's Daily Overseas Edition warned that Japan was attempting to "sow dissension" between people of and mainland China amid the Senkaku row by marking the nationality of ese residents in Japan as "ese" instead of "Chinese" on their foreigners residency permit.

claims the Senkaku island in parallel with China.

Sing Tao Daily and the Global Times' English edition also reported on the compensation deal between local officials and Deng Jiyuan, huand of Shaanxi forced-abortion victim Feng Jianmei.

Mr Deng's lawyer Zhang Kai refused to discuss details of the settlement when speaking to the BBC on Tuesday, while the Global Times has revealed that authorities paid 70,600 yuan ($11,100, £7,200) to the couple.

"I've given up legal appeals and agreed to take the compensation offered by the township government," Mr Deng told the Global Times.

The settlement went largely unreported in mainland Chinese newspapers on Wednesday.
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