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级别: 副院长
UID: 109338
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楼主  发表于: 2012-07-06 19:29

 Tibet to build $4.7b tourism park

LHASA - The government of Lhasa, capital of China's autonomous region, will invest 30 billion yuan ($4.7 billion) to build a massive culture and touri park in the next three to five years.

The park, with a planned area of 800 hectares, will be located at a village 2 km from downtown Lhasa, Ma Xinming, deputy mayor of Lhasa city, told a press briefing on Friday.

It will improve 's touri credentials and be a landmark of its cultural industry, said Ma.

The park will include attractions themed around Princess Wencheng, daughter of Emperor Li Shimin of the prosperous Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), who married an King Songtsan Gambo when she was 16. The princess, along with a dowry consisting of numerous treasures, books, golden furniture and medical equipment, traveled 3,000 km to her new home.

Visitors will be offered regular Wencheng-based outdoor performances and other educational and entertainment facilities tracing the footsteps of the princess in .

The culture and touri park will also include an "Art City," home to displays of an handicrafts and medicine, and a "Folk City," where tourists can get a taste of local life and buy folk goods.

Cultural innovation, business and residential districts will also be incorporated into the project.
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