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楼主  发表于: 2016-01-04 17:01



      之前Science上的文章得出的结论认为癌症的成因主要是 坏运气,无法避免和预防。西雅图Fred Hutchinson癌症研究中心研究癌症病因的John Potter说:研究结果决定了我们是否花力气去预防。

      在Science的论文中,约翰霍普金斯大学的数学家Cristian Tomasetti和癌症研究员Bert Vogelstein计算了干细胞分裂的数量和在各种组织中的癌症风险之间的关系。细胞分裂的每一个例子都带来一个风险,即基因将被错误地,导致突变他们做的很有趣,但我被这一结论吓了一跳。Hannun和他的同事们认为,Science 上发表的工作假定两变量: 内在的干细胞分裂率和外在因素是完全独立的。但如果环境风险影响干细胞分裂率(比如已知的辐射)结果,那该怎么办呢?


      Hannun和他的团队提供的证据表明,内在因素带来的癌症风险并不高(只有10 ~ 30%)。研究人员证明了干细胞分裂和癌症风险之间,在内在和外在因素的影响下的关系没有明显区分。研究表明,内源性突变积累的过程是不足以影响观察到的癌症风险的。





      预防癌症的一些专家欢迎Nature的这篇文章,因为担心公众(包括科学研究的资助者)可能得出这样的结论:预防工作是不值得的,哈佛公共卫生学院研究癌症预防的Edward Giovannucci说:不吸烟,你的肺腺癌的风险显著下降。事实上,你的骨盆肉瘤的风险更低,因为有较少的干细胞分裂。但是那又怎样呢?




                Variation in cancer risk among tissues can be explained by the number of stem cell divisions
                文献检索:DOI: 10.1126/science.1260825
                文献标签:cancer risk stem cell
                Why do some tissues give rise to cancer in humans a million times more frequently than others? Tomasetti and Vogelstein conclude that these differences can be explained by the number of stem cell divisions. By plotting the lifetime incidence of various cancers against the estimated number of normal stem cell divisions in the corresponding tissues over a lifetime, they found a strong correlation extending over five orders of magnitude. This suggests that random errors occurring during DNA replication in normal stem cells are a major contributing factor in cancer development. Remarkably, this bad luck component explains a far greater number of cancers than do hereditary and environmental factors.
                Substantial contribution of extrinsic risk factors to cancer development
                文献标签:cancer risk factors
                Recent research has highlighted a strong correlation between tissue-specific cancer risk and the lifetime number of tissue-specific stem-cell divisions. Whether such correlation implies a high unavoidable intrinsic cancer risk has become a key public health debate with the dissemination of the bad luck hypothesis. Here we provide evidence that intrinsic risk factors contribute only modestly (less than ~10–30% of lifetime risk) to cancer development. First, we demonstrate that the correlation between stem-cell division and cancer risk does not distinguish between the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. We then show that intrinsic risk is better estimated by the lower bound risk controlling for total stem-cell divisions. Finally, we show that the rates of endogenous mutation accumulation by intrinsic processes are not sufficient to account for the observed cancer risks. Collectively, we conclude that cancer risk is heavily influenced by extrinsic factors. These results are important for strategizing cancer prevention, research and public health.

