( ); ?>Nature commu:截断癌细胞交流通道 防止癌细胞转移| 癌症研究 - 愚愚学园 - 科技爱好者论坛|文献互助|文献代理|免费赠品|分享最新知网万方维普免费账号资源 - powered by phpwind.net
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UID: 74482
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楼主  发表于: 2016-01-04 17:03

 Nature commu:截断癌细胞交流通道 防止癌细胞转移

癌症转移与超过90%的癌症死亡有关。虽然有关肿瘤转移的研究越来越多,但癌症如何从原发部位迁移到其他部位仍然没有得到完全了解。最近来自美国哈佛大学布利甘和妇女医院的研究人员在国际学术期刊Nature communication上发表了一项最新研究进展,他们对于癌细胞如何扩展"势力范围"并通过"转移劫持"方式促进正常细胞发生恶性转化提出了新的观点。研究人员还在临床前研究模型中发现,药物干预能够防止这种"劫持"发生,为防止肿瘤细胞扩散提供了新靶点。






      Physical nanoscale conduit-mediated communication between tumour cells and the endothelium modulates endothelial phenotype

      Yamicia Connor, Sarah Tekleab, Shyama Nandakumar, Cherelle Walls, Yonatan Tekleab, Amjad Husain, Or Gadish, Venkata Sabbisetti, Shelly Kaushik, Seema Sehrawat, Ashish Kulkarni, Harold Dvorak, Bruce Zetter, Elazer R. Edelman &Shiladitya Sengupta

      Metastasis is a major cause of mortality and remains a hurdle in the search for a cure for cancer. Not much is known about metastatic cancer cells and endothelial cross-talk, which occurs at multiple stages during metastasis. Here we report a dynamic regulation of the endothelium by cancer cells through the formation of nanoscale intercellular membrane bridges, which act as physical conduits for transfer of microRNAs. The communication between the tumour cell and the endothelium upregulates markers associated with pathological endothelium, which is reversed by pharmacological inhibition of these nanoscale conduits. These results lead us to define the notion of 'metastatic hijack': cancer cell-induced transformation of healthy endothelium into pathological endothelium via horizontal communication through the nanoscale conduits. Pharmacological perturbation of these nanoscale membrane bridges decreases metastatic foci in vivo. Targeting these nanoscale membrane bridges may potentially emerge as a new therapeutic opportunity in the management of metastatic cancer.

