级别: 院长
UID: 81347
精华: 0
发帖: 3397
威望: 1 点
愚愚币: 11388 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 40(小时)
注册时间: 2009-12-08
最后登录: 2021-07-16
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-02 10:56




Transactions on Fuzzy Systems录用的文章因大幅抄袭他人成果而被IEEE处分,


  Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles

  "Decentralized Event-triggering Passive Control of Networked T-S
Fuzzy Systems"
  by Huijiao Wang, Peng Shi, and Cheng-Chew Lim
  Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems--August 2014

  After careful and considered review of the content and authorship
of this paper by a duly constituted expert committee, this paper has
been found to be in violation of IEEE?s Publication Principles.

  This paper contains substantial duplication of original text from
the paper cited below. The original text was copied without
attribution (including appropriate references to the original author(s)
and/or paper title) and without permission.

  Due to the nature of this violation, reasonable effort should be
made to remove all past references to this paper, and future
references should be made to the following article:

  Decentralized Event-triggered Dissipative Control of Linear
Systems via Dynamic Output Feedback"
  by Xian-Ming Zhang and Qing-Long Han
  Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control on 7 August

  "Event-triggered Mixed H-infinity and Passive Control of Linear
Systems via Dynamic Output Feedback"
  by Xian-Ming Zhang and Qing-Long Han
  in the Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), November 2013, pp. 5080-5085.(SciFans.Net)

