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生命科学 2018-08-21 08:56

论文标题:An intercross population study reveals genes associated with body size and plumage color in ducks

    期刊:Nature Communications

    作者:Zhengkui Zhou et al






    《自然-通讯》发表的一项分析An intercross population study reveals genes associated with body size and plumage color in ducks发现了与北京鸭白羽和体型较大相关的基因突变。这一发现揭示了北京鸭经过几百年选择形成的一些性状的遗传基础。


    北京鸭实验室里的F2杂交鸭。图片来源:Dr. Yu Jiang



    圣地亚哥动物园里的绿头鸭。图片来源:Dr. Yu Jiang

    中国农业科学院的侯水生、西北农林科技大学的姜雨和同事对40只绿头鸭、来自12个不同品种的36只地方鸭 (包括绍兴鸭和高邮鸭)和30只北京鸭的基因组进行了比对分析,发现选择信号后,研究人员再将绿头鸭与北京鸭进行杂交,繁殖了1026只家鸭。




    摘要:Comparative population genomics offers an opportunity to discover the signatures of artificial selection during animal domestication, however, their function cannot be directly revealed. We discover the selection signatures using genome-wide comparisons among 40 mallards, 36 indigenous-breed ducks, and 30 Pekin ducks. Then, the phenotypes are fine-mapped based on resequencing of 1026 ducks from an F2 segregating population generated by wilddomestic crosses. Interestingly, the two key economic traits of Pekin duck are associated with two selective sweeps with fixed mutations. A novel intronic insertion most possibly leads to a splicing change in MITF accounted for white duck down feathers. And a putative long-distance regulatory mutation causes continuous expression of the IGF2BP1 gene after birth which increases body size by 15% and feed efficiency by 6%. This study provides new insights into genotypephenotype associations in animal research and constitutes a promising resource on economically important genes in fowl.







cxlhzq 2020-03-01 08:37

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