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楼主  发表于: 2009-02-24 21:04

 《化学实验室电子记录软件2008 v11 英文正式版》(ChemOffice ENotebook Ultra 2008)

管理提醒: 本帖被 chenshuuu 从 化学综合资源 移动到本区(2009-05-15)
中文名: 化学实验室电子记录软件2008 v11 英文正式版英文名: ChemOffice ENotebook Ultra 2008发行时间: 2007年08月25日制作发行: CambridgeSoftware地区: 美国简介

杀毒软件:kav 6.0
[通过安装测试]WindowsXP SP2


E-Notebook软件为用户提供了一种可替代纸质实验室笔记本的流畅界面。该软件页面包含Excel电子制表软件、Word文档、ChemDraw绘图及反应和光谱数据。E-Notebook软件可通过文本、结构和反应来搜索, 该软件只能在Windows环境下使用。

E-Notebook的增强版本,这一版本包括E-NotebookUltra 10.0软件、 ChemDraw Std 10.0软件、 ChemFinder Std 10.0 软件和 Chem3D Std10.0软件。 同时比E-Notebook Pro.增加了ChemDraw 和Chem3D应用软件以及ChemINDEX数据库。

::::::English Description::::::

TheE-Notebook Ultra 11.0 suite includes E-Notebook Ultra 11.0, ChemDrawStd 11.0, Chem3D Std 11.0, ChemFinder Std 11.0, ChemFinder/Office 11.0,the CombiChem/Excel, ChemDraw and Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins &Controls as well as the ChemINDEX (Index, RXN, NCI & AIDS)databases. E-Notebook Ultra adds ChemDraw Std, Chem3D Std, ChemFinderStd, ChemFinder/Office, CombiChem/Excel and ChemINDEX to E-NotebookPro. E-Notebook provides a ooth web-based interface designed toreplace paper laboratory notebooks. E-Notebook pages contain Excelspreadsheets, Word documents, ChemDraw drawings and reactions andspectral data. *(W = Windows Only)
Applications Included
E-Notebook Ultra 11.0
E-NotebookUltra allows users to maintain configurable lab journals with pagesfrom ChemDraw, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and spectral software.Search by structure and text, Draw reactions in ChemDraw andstoichiometric calculations dependant upon the reaction and otherentered parameters, Retain a complete Audit trail of experiments ateach save, including username and timestamp, share prewritten protocolsthat automatically add data from experiments using AutoText.
ChemDraw Std 11.0  
ChemDrawis the industry leader of chemical drawing programs. This standardchemical structure drawing application includes all of the tools neededto effectively draw chemical structure and reactions, and includes MSOffice Integration, Customizable Arrow Tools, Color Faded Shapes, andTerminal Carbon Labeling.

CombiChem/Excel Pro 11.0  
Build combinatorial libraries in Microsoft Excel using reagents selected by ChemFinder.  
ChemFinder Std 11.0  
ChemFinderStd is a database management system appropriate for anyone who workswith chemical information and chemical structure databases. Browse,create, search, and update databases with structural, numeric, and textdata via user-customizable forms, including structural andsub-structural queries, as well as linking to related data insub-forms. View and edit structures in a variety of modes,automatically create databases and forms for imported data, export andprint.
Chem3D Std 11.0  
This premier application for desktopmolecular modeling and protein visualization provides support forstate-of-the-art open GL graphics and stereo hardware. Build allmolecules using the ChemDraw interface and see the 3D structure appearsimultaneously, perform basic Molecular modeling computations such asDihedral driver MM2 experiments, Molecular Mechanics and Dynamics.Perform ab initio calculations with an interface to GAMESS.
ChemDraw ActiveX/Plugin Pro 11.0  
Thispremier ActiveX Control/Plugin allows you to query online databases andview & publish online structures. This installer will automaticallyinstall the necessary Plugin or ActiveX controls based on your webbrowser(s). It adds save and print abilities to ChemDraw ActiveX/PluginNet.

Chem3D ActiveX Pro 11.0  
This premier ActiveXControl/Plugin allows you to view & publish online structures in3D. This installer will automatically install the necessary Plugin orActiveX controls based on your web browser(s). It adds save and printabilities to Chem3D ActiveX/Plugin Net


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