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楼主  发表于: 2015-03-12 10:00

 Liposome Encapsulated Quantum Dots Show Efficient In Vivo Retention of a Nanoparticulate Drug Delive

管理提醒: 本帖被 zsht1989 从 外文期刊互助 移动到本区(2015-03-18)
【篇号】Liposome Encapsulated Quantum Dots Show Efficient In Vivo Retention of a Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery System at Its Target in a Rat Model of Distraction Osteogenesis
    【作者】Nayef, Lamees; Rendon, Juan S.; Matthys, Romano; Hamdy, Reggie C.; Tabrizian, Maryam
    【文章标题】Liposome Encapsulated Quantum Dots Show Efficient In Vivo Retention of a Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery System at Its Target in a Rat Model of Distraction Osteogenesis
    【期刊名,年份,卷(期),起止页*****】 Journal of Nanopharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, Volume 2, Number 2, June 2014, pp. 93-102(10)

