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楼主  发表于: 2018-08-21 09:50


上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院洪洁多篇论文图片造假   上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院的洪洁多篇论文存在图片造假。   (1)洪洁以第一作者发表的Cancer Research论文(Bile Acid Reflux
Contributes to Development of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma via Activation
of Phosphatidylinositol-Specific Phospholipase Cγ2 and NADPH Oxidase
同实验结果。而图6A和图6B同样存在这样的问题。   (2)洪洁作为共同通讯作者发表的Journal of Pathology论文因图片造假
问题被撤稿:   http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/path.4179/abstract   Retracted: Role of STAT3 and vitamin D receptor in EZH2 ...
  Previous article in issue: Identification of recurrent FGFR3
fusion genes in lung cancer through kinome-centred RNA sequencing
Previous article in issue ...   包括Retraction Watch、Pubpeer网站等媒体对该论文的撤稿进行了报道:   http://retractionwatch.com/2016/04/18/mistakes-lead-to-retraction-correction-of-cancer-papers-by-pair/   Mistakes lead to retraction, correction of cancer papers ...
  A series of mistakes have caused a pair of cancer researchers
based in China to retract one paper and correct another. The
retraction stems from a duplication of ...   (3)洪洁作为通讯作者发表于International Journal of Cancer 的论文
存在图片造假(Fig.5a, 5b, 5c和 Fig.6d),后来通过大篇幅的修正替换了以上
图片,被Retraction Watch报道:   "Hong ... also recently issued a correction for “Bidirectional
regulation between TMEFF2 and STAT3 may contribute to Helicobacter
pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis,” published in the
International Journal of Cancer:
  The authors provided incorrect versions of Fig. 5a, 5b, 5c and 6d
in the main text, which were published with the issue. The corrected
main text figures are below; We note the error does not affect the
findings reported in the paper. We regret this error.   (4)洪洁作为共同通讯作者发表在Clinical Cancer Research的论文存在
多个图片造假,后来通过大篇幅的修正替换了以上图片,并被Pubpeer网站**************。   https://pubpeer.com/publications/DAF33F36B282F631E4F2E7E6EFD2A2   PubPeer - TMEFF2 deregulation contributes to gastric ...
  There are comments on PubPeer for publication: TMEFF2 deregulation
contributes to gastric carcinogenesis and indicates poor survival
outcome (2014)   同时Pubpeer网站也到:“该课题组有数篇论文因为图片重复使用问题被撤
稿或者大篇幅修改”:   “This group has published papers with duplicate uses of data a
few times, the CCR editor screw up?!
  Please see the retraction and correction:
  https://pubpeer.com/publications/24996057”   PubPeer - Bidirectional regulation between TMEFF2 and STAT3 may
  There are comments on PubPeer for publication: Bidirectional
regulation between TMEFF2 and STAT3 may contribute to Helicobacter
pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis (2015)   洪洁存在严重的实验数据造假问题,并凭借这些论文获得了国家自然科学基
追回课题经费。 (XYS20180804)(SciFans.Net)

